Monday, November 13th, 2023

11.13.23 | Anchor Script


SIENNA:  Recording live from the THS NEWSROOM in Oxford, Ohio, this is THS daily news.
SIENNA: and I’m SIENNA. Here’s what’s happening around THS.
ALEXA: Robotics club will meet today from 3 to 4 in Ms. Schrann’s room, room 412.
SIENNA: At 3:30 today, the N double ACP will meet in the cafeteria.
ALEXA: There are several meetings taking place tomorrow after school
SIENNA: That’s right. Project Green will meet in Mrs. Ruther’s room, room 224.
ALEXA: Setting Stone will meet lin Mr. Aerni’s room, room 320.
SIENNA: And Art Club will meet in Mrs. Claire’s room, room 603. Check those meetings out tomorrow.
ALEXA: In educational news, every student at THS now has the opportunity to create a New York Times student account.
SIENNA: To create your account, go to Then, select “Student” and your Graduation Year. DO NOT enter an alternate email address.
ALEXA: Once you’ve done that, click “sign up” and go to your email to find the email from the New York Times. If you don’t see the email, check your SPAM folder.
SIENNA: From there, simply follow the instructions.
ALEXA: And, now, let’s head over to Addi at the Sports Desk
ADDI: Over the weekend a couple of our cross country runners attended the Nike Regional in Tarraho, Indiana. Adriana Luking and Bryson Fears both ran in the open race while Lucia Rodbro ran in the championship race, a spot she earned with her impressive times. Such a fun experience for the three of them, congrats and good work.

That’s all for sports. But, here is Mrs. Ruther with a little more information about Project Green:

**CONTENT** ***Ruther on PG***
SIENNA: And finally, THS will be conducting an active intruder drill this week. The drill is designed to help THS staff and students practice emergency response procedures.
ALEXA: This week’s drill will utilize the “hard lockdown” procedure for sheltering in place. Talk to your teachers about what this will look like. And, as always, THS counselors will be available after the drill should any issue arise.
SIENNA: Here to talk more about this is THS principal Mr. Davie
ALEXA: And, that’s it for today, Talawanda. Thanks for turning in. I’m ALEXA
SIENNA: and I’m SIENNA. Have a great day, THS. We’ll see you tomorrow.