Good morning Talawanda, today is Friday, May 12th, 2023.
Happy last day seniors!! Thanks for 4 years and 900 hours of broadcast. Thank you for letting us come into your class room for a few minuits ever day. We appreaciate all our views, especially those in Australia and Panama, whoever you are.
In honor of the seniors’ last day, Ellie Killy asked them their plans after high school!
If you are interested in working in the THS Natural Areas on Tuesday, listen up! You will need to pick up a Liability Form form outside Mrs. Ruther’s room (224) and have it signed by a parent or guardian. Please meet outside the 200 hallway doors at 3pm that day, in outside work attire. See Mrs. Ruther if you have questions.
Now over to Zander with Moore Sports.
There may or may not be a home baseball game tonight vs CHCA depending on the weather, you can follow TalawandaBaseB1 on twitter for any updates.
That’s all from me and the rest of the Seniors, I just wanted to say thank you to Mr. Z and to Luke WP for letting me come in and do the sports, thanks for watching.