Thursday, November 16th, 2023


11.16.23 | Anchor Script


GRACIE:  Recording live from the THS NEWSROOM in Oxford, Ohio, this is THS daily news.
MARLEY: There are a few meetings today after school. Robotics Club will meet in Ms. Schran’s room, room 412.
GRACIE: At 5:00, Mock Trial will meet in Dr. Weatherwax’s room, room 315.
MARLEY: Immediately following that, the Talawanda Tribune will meet from 7:30 to 8:30 in Weatherwax’s room, as well.
GRACIE: There’s also a Board of Education meeting tonight at 7:00 in the Performing Arts Center.
MARLEY: And, tomorrow, Best Buddies will meet in the cafeteria during tutorial.
GRACIE: Coming up after the Thanksgiving break, FCCLA will sponsor its Winter Blood Drive on Wednesday, December 6th.
MARLEY: If you are interested in donating blood, you must be 16 years or older and must complete a permission form.
GRACIE: Permission forms can be found in the main office, room 611, or at lunch.
MARLEY: And, if you donate blood three times during your time in high school, you will receive a red cord to wear at graduation. Again, the FCCLA Winter Blood Drive will be on December 6th. FCCLA will sponsor another drive in March.
GRACIE: Here’s a video from THS correspondent, Lucia, with more on the blood drive:
**NEWS** ***Blood drive video***
GRACIE: Let’s go to Addi with what happening and coming up in the world of sports:
MARLEY: And now, let’s cut over to Addi with an update on sports:
ADDI: Alumni Hockey Game: Friday, November 24th

Varsity Wrestling scrimmage this Saturday at Mason

Here’s a video from Evan and Giuliano about celebrating the holiday spirit.

**CONTENT** ***Evan and Giuliano vid on holiday spirit***
MARLEY: And, that’s it for today, Talawanda. Thanks for watching. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for Channel 85’s Thansgiving Special. I’m MARLEY
GRACIE: and I’m GRACIE. Have a great day, THS.