Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Recording live from the THS newsroom in Oxford, Ohio, this is THS daily news.
Today is WEDNESDAY, September 13th, 2023.
I’m Kate.
and I’m Tessa. Here’s what’s happening at THS today and throughout this week.
Today, during tutorial, there will be a meeting for anyone attending the Washington DC trip.
If you are going on that trip, you must attend this meeting. Be sure to head to the cafeteria during tutorial today for roommate selection and other important trip details.
Also meeting during tutorial today is Voila!
This meeting will take place in room 118.
A correction from yesterday’s announcements–Diversity club will meet tomorrow during tutorial, not today.
That’s right. Diversity club meets tomorrow, during tutorial, in Mrs. Schultze’s room, room 400.
An important deadline coming up this Friday is for PSAT registration.
Yes, the PSAT will be held on October 25th. But, registration is due in the Counselor’s office by this Friday. Be sure to register before it’s too late.
Registration for the PSAT is for sophomores and juniors only.
Looking at next week–the Talawanda Robotics club will have its first meetings of the year, meeting on Monday and Thursday.
Robotics club will meet in Ms. Schran’s room, room 412, right after school to examine last year’s robot and develop ideas for this year. Talk to Ms. Schran if you have questions.
Also next week–FCCLA is putting on Club Rush week.
Club Rush week is a great opportunity to see what the different clubs and groups here at THS are all about. Not only that, but students will then have a chance to get involved.
Groups and clubs will have tables set up during lunches all next week. So, THS, if you’re thinking about getting involved but don’t know what THS has to offer, be sure to check out those tables next week.
Hey, Tessa–have you seen the bulletin board in the main hallway with a bunch of student names on it?
Oh, yeah, I did notice that. I was curious to know a bit more about that.
I was curious, too. So, we sent a team out to get the scoop.
***news video on PBIS bulletin board***
Oh, that’s a great idea. What a simple way to encourage some positivity around the school.
For sure.

Well, now let’s keep the ball rolling and head over to the Sports Desk with Addi.
All right if you all remember we had lots of excitement going on for sports last night.

Startin off Girls SOccer faced Harrison falling to them 9-1 goal was scored by Jaklyn Wynn on a PK. We’ll get ’em next time ladies!

Tennis faced Northwest overcoming them 4-1 adding the first conference win to their record.

Volleyball continued their winning streak beating Eaton in __ sets. Great work ladies, can’t wait to see y’all back on the court tomorrow.

Looks like everyone needs some recovery after all of the chaos of last night, because there are no sports happening today. But all of our athletes will be back in action tomorrow so tune back in for that.

Next up here is Lucia with, you catch it, you keep it.

Well, that’s it for today, THS.
Thanks for joining us–we’ll see you tomorrow for more news and content.