Monday, September 11th, 2023

Recording live from the THS newsroom in Oxford, Ohio, this is THS daily news.
Today is Monday, September 11th, 2023. Welcome back, Talawanda.
I’m Kate.
and I’m Tessa. Between you and me, that was a rough intro.

Yeah, be sure you don’t procrastinate, Talawanda. Speaking of not procrastinating, here’s what YOU need to do this week, Talawanda.

The PSAT will be held on October 25th. Register by Friday, September 18th in the Counselor’s office.

Registration will be for sophomores and juniors only.

Diversity club is having their next meeting on September 15th during tutorial in room 400.

Be sure to attend if you’re a member.

Another important meeting is for students going to D.C.. Wednesday, September 13th during tutorial be sure to head to the cafeteria for roommate selection and other important trip details. If you are going on the trip, you MUST attend. Your teachers will have a list of students that need to be there.

Here’s something new, Talawanda’s going to Europe!

That’s right! If you’d like to go on this oversea trip next year, see the posters hung around the school or pick up a flyer in the main office. You can go to room 611 if you have any questions.
You can check out the different clubs and groups at THS during your lunch time, and that Friday will be signing day for any of the clubs you would like to join.

Now here’s an update from the Volleyball team about their upcoming game against Eaton.


And now over to the sport’s desk, what’s going on in the sport’s world Addi?

Welcome back from the weekend Talawanda.

On Friday, our football team took on Edgewood, the game ending with a loss for the brave, final score of 51-7 touchdown by Cale Leitch.

On saturday, The cross country team attended the Mason Invitational. The girls finished 12th of 19 teams. The boys finished 17th of 29 teams. 3 of our runners placed in the top 20. Lucia Rodbro finished 5th, Max Bixler 11th, and Adrianna Luking in 12th place.

And Girls Soccer was on the road to Wyoming falling to them 5-0.

Not too much going on tonight but Boys soccer will host CHCA at 7pm.

And boys golf will be at Indian Ridge facing hamilton, good luck tonight boys.

Next up, here is Sienna interviewing THS students.

****Sienna w/ whos the most****
Well, that’s a wrap for today, Talawanda
Tune in tomorrow for more news…
And have a great day Talawanda.