Monday, October 23rd, 2023

10.23.23 | Anchor Script

Recording live from the THS newsroom in Oxford, Ohio, this is THS daily news.
Today is MONDAY, October 23rd. I’m GRACIE. .
and I’m MARLEY. Here’s what’s happening around THS.
Signups for the November 3rd Powderpuff game are happening now. Sign up outside of Mr. Z’s room, room 301. Registration is $15, and all proceeds go to benefit the Best Buddies club.
The Robotics club will meet today after school from 3 to 4 in Mrs. Schrann’s room, room 412.
Attention Setting Stone members: the merch printing field trip has changed dates.
Setting Stone will have a regular meeting tomorrow, after school, in Mr. Aerni’s room. All members should plan to attend to discuss the new printing date, as well as the upcoming Coffee House.
And, speaking of the Coffee House–Signups are for any performer who would like to perform on November 3rd.
That’s right. If you are interested in performing at the November 3rd Coffee House, sign up today outside of Mr. Aerni’s room, room 320.
Other meeting taking place tomorrow after school are Art Club in Mrs. Claire’s room, room 603
as well as Project Green, meeting in Mrs. Ruther’s room, room 224.
Well, as you all know, it’s getting close to Halloween.
And, to celebrate, several groups here at THS are hosting a couple “trick-or-treat” events tomorrow.
Best Buddies is hosting their trick-or-treat event tomorrow after school. Members can go to participating classrooms to pick up some treats.
Later tomorrow night is the FCCLA “Trunk-or-Treat” event in the THS parking lot. This will run from 6:00 to 7:30 and, in addition to treats, will feature crafts, a photo shoot, games, and fire trucks!
This morning, some members of the junior and senior classes hopped on a charter bus and are currently headed to Washington DC.
Dr. Weatherwax sent us this video with THS Daily News Achor Will to check in on how it’s going:
***Will talking about the DC bus ride***
Sounds like they are headed for an amazing experience.
Another event coming up soon is the YIT pickleball bash: fall tournament.
This event will be held at the Tri Pickleball courts on Monday, October 30th from 4 to 6 p.m. The winning team will receive a prize.
Last week we reported on Key Club’s food drive in support of the TOPPS food pantry. And, you can still bring in jars of peanut butter, boxed mac and cheese, and canned tuna to your first period class all this week.
But, Key Club is also doing a fundraiser all this week. It’s called “Boo-ing”
Sounds spooky! Key Club will have a table set up at lunch all week where students can buy candy and send anonymous messages to friends. Check it out.
Here with more information on this is key club member and THS Daily news correspondent Rory:
***Rory discussing KEY CLUB fundraiser***
Thanks for that information, Rory.
And now over to Addi with sports.
Football played their final game of the season on friday against Wooster, a close game ultimately ending in a loss for the brave. Congrats on a great season boys

The cross country team attended districts on Saturday runners Lucia Rodbro, Adrianna Luking, Garrison Franks, Max Bixler, and Bryson Fears all qualified to compete in regionals next weekend.

There’s no content for today, so let’s send things back to the news desk.
And, that’s it for today, Talawanda. Thanks for turning in. I’m GRACIE
and I’m MARLEY. Have a great day, THS. We’ll see you tomorrow.