Tuesday, August 29th, 2023

Tuesday, 8.29.23 | Anchor Script


WILL:  Recording live from the THS newsroom in Oxford, Ohio, this is THS daily news.
WILL: and I’m WILL
DOM: and here’s what’s happening around Talawanda this week.
WILL: Key Club will meet during tutorial today in room 218.
DOM: Setting Stone will meet today right after school in Mr. Aerni’s room, room 320.
WILL: Also meeting after school today is Project Green, meeting in Mrs. Ruther’s room, room 223.
DOM: On Wednesday, Voilá will meet in Mrs. Lefevers’s room, room 118.
WILL: The Voilá meeting will last about twenty minutes. See Mrs. Lefevers or any World Language teacher for more information.
DOM: On Thursday of this week there will be a meeting BEFORE school at 7:45 for anyone interested in baseball.
WILL: Yes, this meeting will provide information about the team as well as upcoming fall workouts.
DOM: Best Buddies will meet during Tutorial on Thursday in Mrs. Sammons room, room 316
WILL: And, Diversity Club will meet on Thursday, after school, in Mrs. Schultze’s room, room 400.
DOM: Looking at next week, NHS will meet on Wednesday, September 6th, in Ms. Klovekorn’s room, room 220.
WILL: Any senior in NHS should check Classroom for information about officer positions. Voting for officers will take place at the September 6th meeting.
DOM: Attention Freshmen: Ms. Mann needs your class officer applications.
WILL: Class officer voting will take 1place this week, and as of right now, there are no freshman applicants. If you are a freshman who wants to make a difference in and around THS, grab an application outside of room 319 and turn it in today!
DOM: One more thing: The Talawanda Tribune will meet during tutorial today, and Mock Trial will meet tonight from 5:30 to 7:30
WILL: For a bit more on both Mock Trial and the Tribune, we now go to a quick video:
WILL: A reminder that anyone attending the Mock Trial meeting should meet Dr. Weatherwax at the 100 hallway door to be let in promptly at 5:30. Don’t be late.
DOM: And now, with the latest sports scores, highlights, and event details, let’s cut over to Addi at the sports desk. Addi, what’s new in the world of sports?
ADDI: Thanks, guys. I’ll start with some updates from last night.

Great work from our tennis team last night who overcame Edgewood 5-0.

Boys Golf faced Harrison in an essential SWOC match last night. They were able to grab the win 155-161. Impressive play from medalist Aidan Bruder shooting a 36. Good win boys.

Boys Golf will be hitting the green again tonight against Edgewood at hueston woods, 4:30pm.

JV girls soccer will take on Mt. Healthy at home @ 5pm.

And Finally, Boys Soccer will face Badin at Spooky Nook. JV begins at 5 and Varsity at 7. The theme for that game is black out, so show up and support our soccer boys.

Up next we have Dom and Parker with a freshman 1v1 basketball game.

DOM: That’s it for today, Talawanda. Thanks for watching. I’m DOM.
WILL:  and I’m WILL. Join us tomorrow for more news and content. From all of us here at THS Daily News, Have a great TUESDAY, Talawanda. We’ll see you tomorrow.