February 17th, 2022

Good morning Talawanda, today is Thursday, February 17th, 2022.

Happy Educators Day! Thank you to all our teachers/staff members here at THS!  We appreciate you! Thank you to our adviser Mrs. Gregory for everything that she does for the chapter! THS Staff join us in room 611 for dinner before conferences. We will also be having a Navy speaker in all FCS classes.

Seniors – 

A reminder that scholarship applications for both the Talawanda Local and Oxford Community Foundation are due next Thursday, February 24th.  There are hard copies of the scholarship books that can be picked up in the Guidance Office and you can also access the direct link from the school counseling website. You can request your transcript through Parchment. Transcripts do not need to be official so you can make as many copies as you need. Please see Mrs Roy in the Guidance Office with any questions.

There is an informational meeting at the Oxford Library for the Great Miami Crew spring season today at 6.

The first meeting of Talawanda’s new Game Design club will be next Wednesday, February 23rd.  We will kick off the club with a Smash Brothers tournament in room 301, along with free pizza.  If you are interested come and check it out!  See Mr. Zimmerman or Jackson Kuhn with any questions.

Parker and the boys attempt to go through a basketball obstacle course as apart of their NBA training.

Talawanda Baseball Tryouts will be Monday, February 21st to Thursday, February 24th. Ninth and Tenth Graders from 6-7:30PM and Eleventh and Twelfth graders 7:30-9PM. Sign up outside Coach Lykins’s room (413).

If you signed up to perform at the February 25th Coffee House—there will be an important meeting after school today—if you plan to perform at the Coffee House, you must attend this meeting in room 320.

The Spring Blood drive is Friday March 11th – forms are located in the office and outside room 611.  Pick a time when you sign up!  Anyone 16 years or older can donate, each donation saves 3 lives.

Track and Field is starting on Tuesday February 22nd.  Athletes should meet in the cafeteria at 3:30 and be ready to practice. Athletes will need a physical to participate.

Now for whats the T followed by sports with Luke WP.

Congrats to all 6 athletes who signed last night, Deondre Bothast-Revalee signed to play football at Centre College, Abigail Fessel will play soccer at Anderson, Kaylee Burgess will play volleyball at Miami-Hamilton, and a trio of cross country and track athletes rounded out the ceremony, Logan Murray will run for Ohio Northern, Hannah Lippincott will represent Miami University and Kiefer Bell will head to Purdue.

Congratulations to Julio Fuentes who placed 18th two nights ago at the district diving meet.  This is quite an accomplishment for Julio as prior to this season Julio had never been on a diving board before.  The district swim meets will take place this Saturday where Talawanda will be looking to qualify some relays and individuals to the state meet next week in Canton.  And please make sure you go to cincinnati.com/sports/ and then navigate to the high school sports page so that you can vote for Alex Carlson for the Division 1 Swimmer of the Week.

The academic challenge team suffered their first 2 losses of the year in their final regular season matches with Harrison, the team finished with a record of 6-2 on the season and will have a couple weeks off before heading to Harrison once again for the SWOC tournament.

Lots of playoff action over this long weekend, good luck to the Swim team at districts, good luck to wrestling at the SWOC championship, and best of luck to the basketball and hockey teams who will have first round playoff games, the hockey team will face Gahanna Lincoln tomorrow night and the basketball team will face Walnut Hills on Saturday.

And that’s our broadcast on this day, I’m Luke West Poley, thanks so much for watching, have a great long weekend.