November 18th, 2021

Good morning Talawanda, today is Thursday, November 18th, 2021.

Just a reminder we will have a brief chick-fil-a meeting in room 611 right after school today we will be introducing the leadership academy and deciding dates for meetings.  Think of ideas for Do Good December service projects!  

THS Best Buddies is collecting new boxes of cereal between now and December 9 to create a giant hallway dominoes and to donate to the Oxford Food Pantry. Our first gift card winner is Halen Thomas! Halen, thank you for brining in cereal. Any student who brings in a box of cereal between now and Tuesday, November 20 will be entered in the raffle to earn a $15 Cane’s gift card! 

With the Swim season about to start, Livvy Rhoton interviews some of the swim stars in preparation for their title run.

Talawanda Baseball is looking for enthusiastic and responsible students to announce home varsity baseball games this spring. If you are interested in being a part of the team, please see Coach Lykins for more details!

Butler-Tech/Talawanda FCCLA is sponsoring a winter Blood Drive on December 3rd. Give the gift of life and save up to 3 lives per donation. If you donate 3 times in your high school career, you will receive cords at graduation and every donation earns a free t-shirt! There are only 80 slots available, so sign up soon to save your spot! Forms can be found in the office, outside room 611, and at every lunch!

Now for Whats the T followed by sports with Luke WP.