October 29th, 2021

Good morning Talawanda, today is Friday, October 29th, 2021.

November Baseball Calendar Revision: Morning hitting will be delayed for a bit—the indoor batting cage needs to be repaired. Until that time, beginning next week, we will lift Tuesday and Thursday 4-5 pm and Saturday 9-10AM. Hope to get back in the cage by November 10th!! See Coach Lykins or Twitter for November calendars.

To wrap up our horror anthology, we present Norah Greens Werewolf hunt.

The November 5th Setting Stone Coffee House has been canceled due to low performer sign-ups. The next scheduled Coffee House will be held on Friday, February 25th–we hope to see you then! For now, keep sending us your magazine submissions–and look for a new issue of the Setting Stone Magazine this Winter!

Now for Whats the T followed by sports with Luke WP.

Evan Spurlock was the second finder of the final inside pumpkin yesterday there is still one more available on the property so keep looking out for that.

Good luck to the cross country teams who will head to Troy to compete at the regional meet tomorrow.

That’s our broadcast for today, I’m Luke West Poley, thanks for watching, and have a great weekend.