Monday, January 8th, 2024


1.8.24 | MONDAY

GRACIE:  Recording live from the THS News Room in Oxford, Ohio, this is THS daily news.
MARLEY: Welcome to 2024, everyone! Today is MONDAY, January 8th. I’m MARLEY
GRACIE: and I’m GRACIE. Here’s what’s happening around THS:
MARLEY: There will be a Robotics Club meeting, today after school in room 412 from 3:00-4:00PM, as well as on Thursday
GRACIE: Setting Stone will meet tomorrow, after school, as well. This meeting will be held in Mr. Aerni’s room, room 320.
MARLEY: Mock trial will also be meeting on Thursday from 5:30-7:30 in room 315
GRACIE: Kicking off their meeting this year, also on Thursday, is Talawanda Tribune, from 7:30 to 8:15 in room 315
MARLEY: In other news, The PBIS team would like to recognize students for their positivity throughout second quarter
GRACIE: The PBIS team randomly drew names from each of the 12 positive behavioral categories
MARLEY: The student, as well as the staff member who recognized their positivity, will receive a coupon for a FREE beverage from the Perfect Blend cafe!
GRACIE: The following students are the randomly chosen winners:
MARLEY: In the category of caring: Wyatt Conrad, recognized by Ms. Sarno
GRACIE: In the category of Honesty gabby McDade recognized by Mr. Gabbard
MARLEY: In the category of Kindness- Noah Schaefer recognized by Mr. Caudill
GRACIE: In the category of Leadership- Broderick Morris recognized by Mrs. Roberts
MARLEY: In the category of Problem Solving- Sadie Van Gorden recognized by Mr. Bomholt
GRACIE: In the category of Reliability- Fatima Saad recognized by Ms. Klovekorn
MARLEY: In the category of Respect- Olivia Andrews recognized by Mrs. Ruther
GRACIE: In the category of Responsibility Abby Beck recognized by Mrs. Claire
MARLEY: In the category of Safety- Madison Dawson recognized by Mrs. Hess
GRACIE: In the category of Teamwork/Collaboration- Lillian Franks recognized by Mr. Yuva
MARLEY: In the category of Trustworthy- Ethan Lenos recognized by Mr. Engle
GRACIE: In the category of Willing to Learn- Lucas Mortimer recognized by Mr. Scott
MARLEY: Thank you again to ALL students and staff for their efforts to make THS a wonderful and positive place to be!
GRACIE: Please see Mrs. Gingerich in the main office to pick up your Perfect Blend FREE drink coupon!
MARLEY: And that’s it for news today–let’s go to Addi with Addi’s Playbook
ADDI INTRO: ******
ADDI: I hope everybody had a wonderful break and although we got time off school our athletes did not take a break from their sports. We had lots going on over break and although I can’t cover it all I can give you somewhat of a recap so lets get into it.

Starting with Wrestling at Valley View this past Saturday: Fisher Geunther placed 3rd, Josh Haynes placed 5th, Alex Farrel placed 6th good work guys

Saturday was quite an exciting day because Boys Basketball took on Valley View at home defeating them 60 to 49

Girls basketball had multiple games over the break and their record is currently sitting at 6-5 and climbing

Finally our swimmers had quite the packed break but were gonna focus on last week on thursday the girls overcame wayne but falling to butler while the boys took the win over both teams. On friday the girls beat both ross and hamilton, the boys beating hamilton but falling to ross. Finally on Saturday the boys finished 3rd of 17 teams and the girls finished 5th of 17 teams. COngratulations ot Abbie Curry who set a meet record in the 50 free.

No sports for today so that’s all ive got for you today and No content as we are getting back into the swing of things so right back over to the desk it is.

**CONTENT** **none today**
MARLEY: That’s it for news today, Talawanda, I’m MARLEY,
GRACIE: and I’m GRACIE. Have a great day, THS..