August 23rd, 2023


KATE:  Live from the THS newsroom in Oxford, Ohio, this is THS daily news.
TESSA: Today is Wednesday, August twenty-third, Twenty-Twenty Three. Thanks for joining us.
KATE: Today’s top announcement comes from the Talawanda Tribune. Dr. Weatherwax wants THS staff and students to know that Talawanda Tribune writers are looking for stories from people who attended a Taylor Swift show on the Eras tour this past summer.
TESSA: Did you wait in line for hours in the merch line? Attend a show with a group of friends? Hear a song you didn’t expect? Stand outside the venue with other ticketless Swifties? The Tribune wants to hear from you.
KATE: Send your stories to today.
TESSA: In other news, club meetings are underway here at the start of the school year. Here’s a quick run-down of upcoming club meetings at THS:
KATE: Setting Stone, which creates Talawanda’s only literary-art magazine and hosts the popular concert-like event, the Coffee House, will have its first meeting tomorrow, August 24th, right after school, in Mr. Aerni’s room, room 320. Stop by for a brief informational meeting to see if Setting Stone is for you. The meeting will be done in time for students to make the Drama Club meeting.
TESSA: Speaking of the Drama Club meeting, THS’s Drama club will host its first meeting of the school year tomorrow, after school from 3 to 4, in the PAC.
KATE: Project Green Club, a group focused on the environment and environmental issues, will meet in Mrs. Ruther’s room, room 223, on Tuesdays after school.
TESSA: Another club meeting this week is the Youth Initiative Team, or YIT!, which focuses on helping people see the best in themselves. The group will meet this Friday, August 25th, in the Media Center during Tutorial.
KATE: Looking forward to next week, Diversity Club is hosting its first meeting of the school year next Thursday, August 31st, right after school in Mrs. Schultze’s room, room 400. Snacks will be provided.
Tessa:  Talawanda Best Buddies will host an informational meeting on Friday, September 1 in Room 316.
Kate:  Anyone interested in finding out more about this super awesome club is welcome to attend. We will also have light snacks and you can meet some of our members! All grades are welcome to join this very informal club! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Sammons or president Brianna Johnson!
TESSA: Ms. Mann wants everyone to know that Class Officer applications are available outside of her room, room 319.
KATE: Class Officers represent their respective classes and organize events like Homecoming and Prom.
TESSA:  And, while Homecoming is weeks away, it’s never too early to start planning. Pick up your officer application outside of room 319 today.
KATE: Lastly, the Media Center is running “fine free days” right now.
TESSA: This means that, if you have an overdue book from last year, you can turn it into the Media Center today without receiving a late fine! So, get those books turned in today! Fine Free Days run from now until August 31st!
KATE: Tessa, have you heard those songs playing during passing periods?
TESSA: Yeah, I’ve heard them. I kind of wish I could add some new songs, though.
KATE: Actually, there’s a way you can do that.
TESSA: Really?
KATE: Yeah, just scan the QR code in the upper right of the screen to add your songs ideas to the list!
TESSA: Oh, one more thing–do you know what’s going on with the junior/senior Washington DC trip?
KATE: Actually, yeah. Check out this quick report from Dean and Isaac with more information.
KATE: All right, thanks for that information, guys. As we all know, sports are in full swing here at Talawanda, and here to report on everything sports-related is our very own Addi Thacker with Addi’s Added Time.
TESSA: And now over to Addi Thacker with sports. Addi, how are things over in the sports world?
*conversation with anchors*
Speaking of the heat, we just received news that Friday night’s football game is being moved back to 8 p.m. due to the heat.

But, enough about the heat. Let’s talk about yesterday’s sports.

Girls soccer fell 0-4 to Taylor in a hard-fought battle.

Tonight, Boys Soccer will be on the road for their first match of the season against Wyoming beginning at 7 pm

And, that’s it for today. Don’t forget to note the change in time for Friday’s football game, and stay cool out there, Talawanda.

From all of us here at THS Daily News, we’ll see you tomorrow and thanks for watching.