Good morning Talawanda, today is Wednesday, November 16th, 2022.
Attention NHS members! We will meet after school tomorrow, November 17th in the Performing Arts Center. The meeting will end by 3:30 at the latest.
FCCLA Blood Drive is this Friday. If you would like to donate please see Mrs. Gregory ASAP.
Best Buddies will meet tomorrow after school in room 316. We will have a turkey scavenger hunt, popcorn and pie, and play other turkey-themed games. New members are always welcome.
Mock trial will meet tomorrow from 5:30-7:30pm.
Tonight the THS Steel and Jazz Bands along with the TMS Jazz Band will be hosting a chili supper in the high school cafeteria from 6-7pm.
And now over to Zander with Moore Sports
Both basketball teams will be scrimmaging today, the Boys will head to Madison while the Girls will be at home vs Oak Hills.
That’s our broadcast for today, thanks for watching, we’ll see you tomorrow.