Good morning Talawanda, today is Thursday, November 11th, 2021.
Make sure to buy tickets to the Fall Play, the “Internet is Distract- Oh look a Kitten” The first show will be at 7 on Friday with 2 shows on Saturday.
Attention chess enthusiasts…the first meeting of the Talawanda Chess Club will be on Tuesday, November 16th after school in Mr. Yuva’s room (222). All are welcome.
Student the first blood drive of the year is Friday December 3rd. If you are 16 years old or older you are able to donate! If you donate at least 3 times in your high school career you will receive red cords for graduation PLUS you will save at least 9 lives! Please pick up forms in the office, outside room 611 or at lunch- when you turn in your signed form you will be able to select your time to donate.
Do you like Chick-fil-A? Why not be part of the Chick-fil-A leadership academy? We will have our first informational meeting on Thursday November 18th, please sign up outside the office, we need to know how much chick-fil-a to order and your t-shirt size for a free shirt. You will be learning valuable leadership skills and working on a service learning project for the year.
Key Club and Best Buddies are partnering to collect cereal boxes for the Oxford Food Pantry NOW through December 9. The goal is to collect 500 boxes of cereal to create a giant hallway dominoes on December 9. Cereal boxes can be turned in to Room 316 or the front office.