October 26th, 2021

Good morning Talawanda, today is Tuesday, October 26th, 2021.

There will be an FCA meeting this Wednesday the 27th at 2:15 in the breezeway after school. Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend. If you have any questions, contact Jacob Farmer, Harrison Cradduck, or Dean Cradduck.

The Coffee house is November 5th, sign-ups are ending this week, if you have an act you’d like to perform, sign-up on the sheet outside Mr. Aerni’s room, 320.

And now as a part of Channel 85’s horror anthology, Jazz Kills.

Now for Whats the T followed by sports with Luke WP.

Good luck to the Talawanda Butler Tech FFA Equine team as they travel to Oklahoma this week to compete in the National Arabian Horse Judging Contest and safe travels to all FFA members traveling to Indianapolis for National Convention this week. Go aggies!

Hello everyone, I’m back and with fall sports coming to a close, we figured it was time for a competition of our own.

The Channel 85 Pumpkin seeking competition is making its return this year beginning tomorrow, 3 mini pumpkins will be hidden, with 2 inside the school and 1 bonus pumpkin outside on the property, finding one of the 2 indoor pumpkins will win you a bag of Halloween candy and finding the outside pumpkin will earn you a guest spot on the news here at Channel 85. Good luck!

Deondre Bothast-Revalee is up for Tri-State football and Cinci Enquirer athlete of the week this week so make sure to vote for him after his big performance on Friday.

We love filming hype videos for our sports teams, if you want one for your own, let us know, Nora Rode put this one together for the football team’s win on Friday, enjoy, and we’ll see you tomorrow.